Inheritance is supported for properties when both the base and the extended class is marked with the @Service() decorator. Classes which extend a class with decorated properties will receive the initialized class instances on those properties upon creation.
import 'reflect-metadata';
import { Container, Token, Inject, Service } from 'typedi';
class InjectedClass {
name: string = 'InjectedClass';
class BaseClass {
name: string = 'BaseClass';
injectedClass: InjectedClass;
class ExtendedClass extends BaseClass {
name: string = 'ExtendedClass';
const instance = Container.get(ExtendedClass);
// instance has the `name` property with "ExtendedClass" value (overwritten the base class)
// and the `injectedClass` property with the instance of the `InjectedClass` class
// logs "InjectedClass"
// logs "ExtendedClass"